The Poinsettia is the ultimate Christmas flower and the December birth flower. In red, white or pink, they symbolize good cheer and success. We have seven varieties this holiday season; Red Freedom, White Star, Mars Pink, Infinity Marble, Monet, Red Carousel, plus red or white Topiary Trees. But the most popular choice is still the traditionally classic deep red.

Poinsettia {Shown as a cut flower in a Christmas floral arrangement}


{Red Carousel}

{Red Freedom}

{Mars Pink}

{White Star}

{Infinity Marble}
It’s {Not} a Flower

{Fun Fact} A Lesson in the Anatomy of a Poinsettia
What most would consider the flower of the Poinsettia is actually the leaf. The real flower is tiny and in the center of the leaves, which are called Bracts.
Poinsettia Toxicity {the myth}

{Let’s Not Get Sappy}
Poinsettias do “bleed” a white, irritating latex. However, the persistent myth that poinsettias are poisonous is just that; the plant is only mildly toxic to pets. Studies by Ohio State University and the Society of American Florists show that there is no toxicity to humans or pets, even when poinsettias are ingested at levels that even far exceed those likely to occur in a home setting. POISINDEX Information Service, whose information is used by poison control centers, concludes that a 50-pound child would have to eat more than 500 poinsettia bracts to match experimental doses – and even at this level it would have no toxic effect. Of course, poinsettias are not supposed to be eaten, and some people do experience an allergic reaction to them.
{Quick Care Tips} Beautiful well beyond Christmas

{Poinsettia Tree}
Poinsettias like indirect sunlight for at least 6 hours per day.
As with most houseplants, if you are comfortable, they are comfortable.
Don’t place plants near cold drafts or excessive heat from appliances, fireplaces or ventilating ducts. Even the hearty Freedom Poinsettias are sensitive to cold, so don’t place them outside during winter months or expose to temperatures below 50° F.
Do not keep the potting mix too wet or too dry. If the soil is allowed to dry out too much, the plant will wilt and drop its leaves. Water your plant only when the soil feels dry to the touch but before it begins to wilt.
If you plan to keep your poinsettia after the current blooming season, begin fertilizing with an all-purpose fertilizer when it is no longer in bloom. You can remove your plant from the holiday decorative container and repot into something suitable for year-round at this time as well.