Freytags Florist

Freytags Florist

Posted by chadfreytag on December 19, 2011 | Last Updated: August 23, 2022 Flowers

Ringing in the Wreaths

Decorating your windows and doors with festive wreaths can be a great way to celebrate the season. Our delivery counter FULL of beautiful wreaths heading out to customers:


Check out this house quite literally

wrapped in wreaths! The simplicity of the fresh green

wreaths with wide red ribbon is an elegant clasic!

No blinky lights needed here…


If you Think hanging these looks like work

can you imagine getting these windows decked out?

Now THAT won’t be on the “honey do” list!



The smell of a fresh mixed evergreen wreath fills the air

as guests arrive at your home, making even a Texas door

remind visitors of forrests blanketed in snow.

Pretty sure this snow piled wreath isn’t from Austin?!*


These colorful yarn wrapped wreaths still host fragrant

branches of greens and can be made to match

this year’s fashionable colors.

Be warned, it takes FOREVER to wrap those wreath forms

and a whoooooole lotta yarn. I do so love the

sweet little birds nestled in, looking comfy cozy!

These ornament wreaths also take a year and a day to make,

but really bring the glamour. I did a few one year in greens and

the key is to mix in matt with glossy finishes.

A good sturdy box is important for storage if you are using

real glass ornaments! Mine were flattened boxes of glasss

shards the next year…

apparently the cat took a liking to the most delicate pile?!*


Wreaths are of course about the season,

not just Christmas!

This Hanukkah wreath is gorgeous.

Still feeling crafty?

How about button wreath ornaments for the tree?

This actually is a simple string of buttons,

a much faster, kid friendly project!




This year I will be taking the easy approach

with my wreaths…

Bringing home three fresh 20″ wreaths tonight that will host birds and owls from last years aviary themed tree. Yellow is my porch color this year so to hang them I have selected a nice wide spool of ribbon, totally baffling the cashier with my choice of yellow for Christmas Decor (not to mention the bumble bees that are going on the purple tree- but thats a post for another day)

Easiest yet is to swing buy and purchase an already styled wreath, fresh or artificial. Treat yourself tosome holiday cheer every time you arrive back home!