L O V E ! It isn’t a surprise that Valentine’s Day is a huge holiday for us but we’re ready. It’s exciting to share with you our newest shop-look and bouquets that are now available for purchase. We didn’t forget about those in need of a unique V-Day greeting card to go with their gifts! Catch 5 free, printable, one-sided love cards. Make sure that special someone feels appreciated this year!

The love doesn’t start ’till you walk in. We just couldn’t wait to get into the Valentines spirit and inspire our friends!

Need help or ideas on what to get for your Valentine this year? We have your back. Our collection for this year’s Valentine’s Day has been carefully sorted with the freshest and unique floral styles our talented designers could create. Take a quick look at some options we have available for purchase:

Free Freytag’s Florist Valentine Cards 💖
Make your Valentine’s Day gifting a breeze with our free 5″ x 7″ Valentine Cards designed with images around our shop and different types of love messages. Simply click on the link below the image and print! (Make sure to have “Fit on Page” unselected for the image to be exactly 5″ x 7″.)

Freytag’s Florist- 2018 Valentine’s Day Card 1

Freytag’s Florist- 2018 Valentine’s Day Card 2

Freytag’s Florist- 2018 Valentine’s Day Card 3

Freytag’s Florist- 2018 Valentine’s Day Card 4

Freytag’s Florist- 2018 Valentine’s Day Card 5
For more information about our seasonal flowers, plants, and custom designs, call us at 512-371-5640. We’ll work with you in creating something spectacular!