We’ve already talked about all the reasons we love to spoil our moms on Mother’s Day. We also asked if anyone had a special moment with their mom that they will always remember and cherish. We discovered some amazing ‘moments with mom’ stories. These three in particular are favorites:
Happy Birthday Mom: My mother was born in a village in India in a time where the birthday of a child was more of a season instead of a specific date. So when she told my brother and I that she never knew her actual birthday, we were shocked. So when we got the opportunity to go visit her home town in India, we took it upon ourselves to visit the hospital that she was born at and try to see if they still had her birth record. After a little bribing, we were able to get her real date of birth. Then when the actual date came around, we threw her a small surprise party. The smile on her face when we told her what it was for was priceless. The tears started to roll down and it was then I realized how much a mother does for a child, expecting nothing in return. Now every time I’m feeling down, I just think back to that moment and remember my mother’s smile to lift me back up.
You don’t need me kiddo, you got this: A few years ago I moved away from home for the first time. It was finally just me (and my cat,Ted) living in a studio apartment in Austin. A couple of weeks later I was so scared and ready to give up. I remember texting my mom about wanting to come home to Kerrville and she just responded with “no.” I was taken aback, but I stayed put. Three years later, Ted and I still live in Austin. I look back and smile at that moment with my mom because it was that ‘no’ from my her that kept me here. A mother knows the strength her child has inside. Even when she wants to protect them and saying ‘no’ hurts her heart, by doing so, she shows her child the strength they didn’t know they had (as well as her own). We talked about this recently and I thanked her for that text. She told me it was hard for her to do but she knew I could make it on my own.

An Ode to Mom: I wrote this tribute to my mother. It’s from me, but reflects the sentiments of my brother and sister as well; Thinking of you mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
The most important relationship of all,
is the one between a son, and his mother.
No matter how young or old,
that love is equal to no other.
She’s over worked and underpaid, each day.
At times it seems she doesn’t care.
No matter how exhausted she gets,
she’s got a hug and kiss to spare.
It’s a son’s job,
to make his mother proud.
Not always an easy task.
No matter what her son has done,
she’ll say she’s proud, just ask.
So mom, I’ll try to settle down,
be as good as I can be.
I’ll try to be that perfect son,
you see, when you see me.
Mom, God granted you the gift,
of unconditional love.
A gift, surpassed by no other.
Except the gift that God gave me,
that gift, is you, my Mother.