Studies have shown that flowers, especially lilies, have a long-term positive effect on moods and a calming effect on the senses. There are many varieties and colors of fresh cut Lilies available. Some are exotically scented and some are tamer. But all are stunning, so let’s take a therapeutic moment to appreciate the Lily.

Yellow Asiatic Lily
Asiatic lilies are nearly flawless, brilliantly colored flowers that can be up to 6 inches in diameter and have a sweet, mild fragrance. They come in so many colors, it’s no wonder that they are a year-round wedding favorite.

Red (Crimson) Asiatic Lily

Pink Asiatic Lily

Tiger Lily
The Tiger Lilies are large, fiery orange flowers with dark freckled spots on the petals.

Casa Blanca Lily
Casa Blanca Lilies. Even in a group noted for large flowers and sweet perfume, the stunning, white ‘Casa Blanca’ is a standout.

Stargazer Lilies are the single most popular flower we sell, following the rose. It’s looks and fragrance are bold and exotic. Not a day goes by without multiple orders for our Enchanting Stargazer arrangements.

The Rose Lily.
Bonus Lily! A double-flowering Oriental Lily hybrid called the Rose Lily. The fragrance-free sister of the Stargazer Lily.