Freytags Florist

Freytags Florist

Posted by on October 2, 2013 | Last Updated: October 23, 2019 Gifts

The Pet Costume Contest Extravaganza!

pet costume contestDid you know that annually there is an average of $6 billion spent on Halloween-related purchases? Nearly $300 million of this is spent solely on pet costumes. That was last year, this year American consumers are projected to spend over $370 million on pet costumes. That’s a $70 million increase over last year and 40% more than 2010.

This means we will have far more dogs dressed as tacos, princesses, leprechauns and more cats dressed as spiders, frogs and dragons. Last year’s top sellers were hot dogs, demons and pumpkins.

We love this. We love the Halloween spirit and the hilarious, cute costumes that people dress their pets up in. So in honor of our furry friends we put together a contest for your own benefit! A pet costume contest to be exact. If you want to enter, here’s how you do it, and here’s how you can win!

If you want to compete in our pet costume contest head over to our site and enter a photo of your pet in their best costume, get friends to rate your photo and whomever ends up with the best rated photo will win a free bouquet!

The contest is over on the 31st so hurry up and get your photos posted and get to voting!

If you’re wanting to join but hard-pressed for ideas, this may give you a bit of inspiration!