Freytags Florist

Freytags Florist

Posted by chadfreytag on October 18, 2011 | Last Updated: October 23, 2019 Flowers

Spooky Martha meets Freytag's cooler

 Spooky is usually reserved for this time of year. Martha Stuart always seems to lead me into this season with her elegant but clever projects…

DIY couldn’t be more complicated, but at the same time so worth it!








It’s Halloween that sparks our dark-side-designs and lets us play with a theme not normally reserved for flowers. 

Dark and spooky color palettes reign!

Carve a stylish pumpkin basket and fill it with deep toned fresh flowers from our carry out cooler…

you’ll save %50 on all loose stems… ALWAYS!






Also a signature Freytag’s deal is our dozen cash & carry roses for $10.99.

With a quick trip to our shop and then down the street to Hobby Lobby you can create this creepy crawly arrangement that makes my skin crawl just looking at it!

Usually I make a point to stop and smell the roses, but I might just pass them up this once!




While Martha is Queen of collections (and obviously has tarnished silver vessels to spare) you can find containers of distinguished discard at most thrift shops or my favorite, the local Antiques Mall. 

The little dish garden with the green plants is my favorite here and the first project on my Halloween to do list, I’ll post some pics of the masterpiece later this week for a treat (hopefully not a tricky one…)!

All pics are pulled from various years of LIVING at :