Local Delivery Only.
Pink Roses Hand-Tied Bouquet
Local Delivery Only.
Pink Roses Hand-Tied Bouquet
During checkout, you may be offered additional finishing touches like chocolates, plush animals, or hand-written cards
Gift options available at checkout
A sweet Pink Rose hand-tied bouquet is the perfect addition for homecoming, prom, or any other special event. The bouquet includes hot pink roses, waxflowers, and a touch of greenery in a sheer black ribbon.
Approximate size: 11 in. long x 6.5 in. wide x 6.5 in. depth.
For any special upgrades or requests, please give us a call 512-371-5640.
DELIVERY: This item will be hand delivered by Freytag's Florist. Out of town orders will be delivered by our network florists.