Freytag's Florist Lavender Roses, Purple Roses

NOTE: Prices may vary outside of our local delivery area. We will contact you if this occurs.

Red Dozen Roses

Red Dozen Roses

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Express the depth of your passion with a magnificent bouquet of twelve long-stemmed red Ecuadorian roses, each one a symbol of enduring love and desire. This dozen red roses are carefully chosen for their rich crimson hue and statuesque elegance, are complemented by the delicate whisper of baby's breath and the vibrant freshness of greenery. Perfectly arranged to capture the essence of classic romance, this breathtaking bouquet promises to make a heartwarming and unforgettable impression on your beloved, embodying the true spirit of love. Contact us for other available rose color variations. One dozen of the finest Red Ecuadorian roses arranged in all their natural beauty in a vase with baby's breath.

Approximate size: 26" tall x 20" wide x 20" long.

A Luxury upgrade is available for purchase.

*During Valentine's, the demand for roses skyrockets worldwide, leading to increased costs from the grower to the florist. This in turn means higher prices for the consumer. We sympathize with this, so we have created several options in addition to roses for this holiday.

DELIVERY: This item will be hand delivered by Freytag's Florist. Out of town orders will be delivered by our network florists.